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Click here to reset your password.I’m Loren Greiff and I love creatives and marketers
My career took off in NYC as a VP at J. Walter Thompson. For the past 10+ years, I’ve established myself as a top performer recognized for my ability to serve demanding clients, identify talent unicorns, and drive excellence in the industry.
PortfolioRocket is the culmination of more than 25 years in corporate design and marketing positions across Global Agencies, Corporate In-House teams, Creative Staffing and Managing Consulting.
Portfolio Rocket provides rocket fuel for Creatives & Marketers
What often stops many job seekers from creating content on LinkedIn is understanding why it’s so beneficial to their search, and how they should approach it.
This simple guide explains the why’s, the how’s and the when’s to give you a jump-start today!
“Loren Greiff is all in. She couldn’t be more dedicated to serving her clients and teaching you what she has spent decades learning. She’s a true master of her craft. Taking her class, and joining a cohort makes you one of the lucky ones. You do the work, but she provides the framework and a clear path for your efforts. I have no doubt that my job offer was a direct result of everything she taught me: access the hidden job market, know your value, focus, position yourself for what you want, negotiate for what you are worth, and be rewarded for the value you bring to the table” – Amy Shiller Brown, Account Director